Our Board Members
The Washington State Hands & Voices board meetings are open to the public with sign language interpreting provided. Meetings are bi-monthly and held via Zoom.
If you would like to attend one of our board meetings or are interested in becoming a committee or board member, please email our board of directors.
About Laura
Laura Gramer and her husband, Brendan, transplants from Chicago, reside in north Seattle. They are deaf parents to two deaf sons. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy.
Laura is currently a busy stay at home mother who volunteers in WA Hands & Voices as a secretary and a commissioner on the Seattle Commission for People with Disabilities. She joined WA Hands & Voices to meet other parents with children who are deaf/HH/CI for social events and advocacy to make sure our children have access to education and socialization with peers regardless of their communication methods.
About Christine
Christine and her husband Steve are the proud parents of two young adult children who are deaf and hard of hearing. Her family began this journey in 2001 when both children were identified six months apart from one another. Through their journey her family has accrued many supporters as they have encountered barriers and steep learning curves a long the way.
In 2008 Christine found a home with Hands & Voices, knowing that regardless of communication their family used she could benefit from their support and up to date information. This support has made all the difference in the world to Christine and her family over the years.
In 2017 Christine earned a M Ed in Adult Education with a focus on parents as adult learners. Today, she works as Coordinator of our WA Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side program, and is on the training team with Early Support for Infants and Toddler (ESIT) program with Washington State Children, Youth and Families.
About Tad
Tad Miller is a licensed speech-language pathologist who joined the Hands and Voices board as Secretary in 2021. In 2015 she received her MA in Communication Sciences & Disorders from Western Washington University. She worked in the Tacoma Public Schools for four years supporting Deaf and hard of hearing children and is currently providing listening and spoken language intervention at Listen and Talk.
Tad is excited to contribute to the Hands & Voices mission of supporting and guiding families, regardless of communication modality.
About Jay
Outside of his role as parent of a Deaf teenager, Jay works in the accounting field. He and his family are great supporters of Washington State Hands & Voices.
General Board Members
Corrine Morrow
Lanya McKittrick
E Renee Antalan
Katrina Cheung
Kerianne Christie
Eileen Matt
Amy Hardie